What's in an Aura? Unveiling the Mysteries of Energy Fields

Have you ever met someone and felt they could see right through you? Like, they knew everything about you, without you ever uttering a word? I would bet, that person was looking at your Aura and your Aura, tells a lot about you! These vibrant energy fields surrounding living beings hold secrets that can reveal glimpses of our health, spirit, and connection to higher realms. For instance, I can look at your Aura and see if your mentally overwhelmed, if you've got an illness affecting a specific part of your body and even your lovely pet who has long passed to rainbow bridge can be see. 

Seeing the Unseen: Ever wondered if you could see the invisible threads that weave through the universe? The good news is, you can! Seeing auras might seem like a talent reserved for the gifted, but in reality, it's a skill that anyone can develop with a bit of practice. Try this: in a quiet space, focus on the outline of a person or even a plant. Soften your gaze and let your eyes relax. You might be surprised at what begins to reveal itself. Seeing Aura's takes a little practice, but once you see one, you'll be amazed! 

The Language of Auras: Now, let's dive into the kaleidoscope of colors that dance within these energy fields. Each hue tells a story – a narrative of our emotions, health, and spiritual connection. A warm, golden glow might signify joy and positive energy, while a cool blue could indicate a calm and spiritual presence. Your aura is a canvas, and the colors are the paint strokes of your inner world. 

Unlocking the Secrets: Auras are not merely pretty lights; they are windows into the unseen. It's fascinating how these radiant halos can reflect not just our mood but also offer insights into our health and the presence of spiritual guides. Imagine having a tool that lets you peek into the mysteries of your own existence. Auras are that tool. We don't usually like to reveal all about ourselves to people we've just met. I know when I go for a healing, I don't say I'm here because I've worked every hour this week, I'm burnt out, I feel like crap, the kids have drove me up the wall, I'll simply say I'm tired. But if that healer, can see Aura's, they'll know exactly what's up with me because energy does not lie! 

Invitation to Spiritual Development Course: As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, my mother, Debra, and I invite you to join our upcoming Spiritual Development Course, starting January 8th. This course is more than just an exploration; it's a transformative experience. Learn to decipher the language of auras, connect with your spiritual guides, and unlock the door to a deeper understanding of yourself and the cosmos. We teach so much stuff on here from how to read Angel cards, connecting with Spirit, divination, psychometry, the Clair's  - it's really a one stop shop for everything you need to know! 

In the subtle dance of energies that surround us, auras are the silent narrators of our stories. Embrace the challenge of seeing the unseen, and let the colors guide you towards a richer understanding of your spiritual self.

Ready to dive into the world of auras? [Sign up here] for the Spiritual Development Course and embark on a journey of self-discovery like never before.

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